"Be cool. Be Smart. Be patient. Be-you-tiful."
I say that with my daughter every chance I get. It's mad corny, I know. But whatever, she's two! She colors kangaroos blue and announces her farts in the bathtub, what does she know!? As far as she's concerned, I'm just as profound as I am dang hilarious! She's great, and I can't walk a step without people stopping to tell me how cute she is. Which, I totally get, because she's adorable af (duh!), but it's my hope that I can foster characteristics in her beyond that. It's wild important for her to know that her brain-melting beautyosity is only secondary to all of her other amazing qualities. On Saturday, I got a chance to work with a number of young girls who modeled exactly that...and I'd be hella lucky if my little pig would grow to exhibit the traits of any one of them little lady G's.
Cartoons and confidence building through "Poppin' Profile Pics" activity. 2.24.18
Like I said, it was wild fun! Thank you all for letting me be apart of your learning circle. Y'all da best!
(if you are interested in having me speak at your school, event, etc... please contact me for details!)