What is "DO ART!?"

You know what I learned yesterday?

That a mission statement has nothing to do with Tom Cruise.  Which makes the noun way less impressive knowing that it can’t dangle from the top of a super secrety CIA building hacking their computer robots. But that would be silly. Words can’t do that. They’re just words. That would be impossible.


The mission of DO ART! is just that…Do Art!

Kids are innately creative. What happens is kids become adults and adults are innately boring. Adults are into things like organizing furniture receipts and backpains. Gross. Art is dope! It should be gratifying and unique to the person creating it. That’s why DO ART! will be prioritizing fun art over fine art.

My overall goal with this project is to foster their natural inclinations and provide structural know-how to aspiring artists. In addition, two plus four is six. I know; that was dumb. My bad. Ahem. In addition, for those who choose to pursue art as more than a pastime, the goal is to provide coaching and development so that art can allow tangible opportunities for them in the future.

Students of DO ART! will have the chance to participate in the full spectrum of art - from learning the basic skills to having their work displayed in the gallery and made available for purchase.

And that’s called a vision statement.

Which has nothing to do with The Avengers.

Peace out, nerds!

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